College and Educational Resources

A Guide to Visual Disabilities
We created this guide to show how today’s colleges and universities are improving their technology and resources to help students with visual disabilities earn degrees. The new guide also provides a list of online technology and literary resources students with impairments can use on their own to get ahead.
Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
P.O. Box 21192
Columbus, OH 43221-0192
Phone: 614-488-4972
Fax: 614-488-1174
AHEAD is an international, multicultural organization of professionals committed to full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities. It offers numerous training programs, workshops, publications, and conferences.


American Association of University Affiliated Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 410
Silver Springs, MD 20910
Phone: 301-588-8252
Fax: 301-588-2842
AAUAP is the national association representing of University Affiliated Programs (UAP). UAP targets and engages in activities to support the independence, productivity, integration and inclusion into the community of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.


College Board ATP Services for Handicapped Students
P.O. Box 6226
Princeton, NJ 08541
Phone: 609-771-7137 or 609-771-7600
Fax: 609-771-7944
Through its Admission testing Program, the College Board provides special arrangements to minimize the possible effects of disabilities on test performance.


National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities
American Council on Education
One Dupont Circle Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036-1193
Phone: 202-939-9300 or 202-939-9320 (V/TTY)
Fax: 202-833-4760
Contact Us Page
The HEATH Resource Center of the American Council on Education is the national clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities. Support from the U.S. Department of Education enables HEATH to serve as an information exchange about educational support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, and opportunities at American campuses, vocational-technical schools, and other postsecondary training entities.


New Mobility Magazine
Under 'The Magazine' page of New Mobility Online, go to the archives and search for the word college. You will be referred to a September 1998 article entitled Disability Friendly Colleges.


Affordable Colleges Online: College Affordability for Students with Disabilities

Advice and resources for loans and scholarships available specifically for students with disabilities